![]() The home for Jim Lancaster's Railroad Web Pages
If the web page you were looking for is not one of those listed above, read the notice below or click here for my other web pages. Notice This is my new website address (i.e., URL): coastdaylight.com. It replaces my old website address: geocities.com/jim_lancaster.geo You
may have arrived here as a result of clicking on a link
on another web page. The
link may have had a URL of the form
"www.geocities.com/jim_lancaster.geo/xxx" where xxx may be a directory
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image file name (e.g., photoname.jpg). If so, you were
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of the files formerly hosted at geocities.com/jim_lancaster.geo
have been moved to coastdaylight.com. However,
many of the old links to specific web pages and images need to be changed. I
will be
correcting these links as time permits.
July 22, 2013
Title Image: Southern Pacific Train No. 98, the Los Angeles-bound Coast Daylight.
From a painting by Harlan Hiney, Jim Lancaster collection. Web Site Created 1/2/98 © 1997, 2009, 2011 ljames1@ix.netcom.com |